Quiz! What I did vs. What I wanted to do

Multiple choice questions being asked on Deal ...

Multiple choice questions being asked on Deal or No Deal, 2006. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It’s been a while since I did a quiz, so I thought I’d lay another one on you.  Lately, I’ve been biting my tongue a lot and expending a lot of energy making myself do what I’m supposed to as opposed to what I want to do (example: what I want to do is watch all four Pirates of the Caribbean movies back to back.  What I actually do is file my taxes).  I think it’s taking its toll!

So here, gentle readers, is a quiz about some common situations with what I actually do in those situations, and you have to choose what you think I wanted to do!  How well do you know your Little Blind Girl?  Let’s find out:

A.  The Little Blind Girl is walking home after work in the rain, being passed by car after car while trudging through every puddle on the sidewalk.  One car deliberately drives close to the sidewalk and splashes through the water at the edge of the road, drenching the LBG.  What the LBG does:  sighs, shakes off the worst of the water, and keeps going.  What does the LBG actually want to do in this situation?

  1. Whip out a bow and arrow like Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games) and take out the driver’s tires.
  2. Hotwire a nearby motorcycle, catch up to the driver, and run him off the road into a nearby stream.
  3. Get the license plate information, use mad computer skills to track down where the driver lives, jimmy open the car door at night with more mad skills, and dump a bucket of water on the driver’s seat.
  4. Take a picture of the car and driver, rent a billboard along that road, and post the picture on the billboard with a rude epithet that would make the LBG’s Sainted Mother blush.
  5. Report the driver to the police.

B.  On the way out of her apartment, the LBG passes her neighbor’s miniscule dog, which is tethered to a post by its leash.  As usual, the dog starts barking like crazy the minute it sees the LBG, attempting to break its restraints and eviscerate her as a suspected malefactor.  What the LBG does:  hisses at the dog like she’s a cat.  What does the LBG actually want to do?

  1. See if she can kick the dog so hard that it starts flying around in a circle at the end of its leash.
  2. “Accidentally” let the dog loose…right near a major highway.
  3. Record the dog barking at top volume, put it on loop, and play it next to her neighbor’s bedroom window at 2 in the morning.
  4. Hang a raw steak just outside the dog’s reach right after the neighbor has gone for the day and left the dog alone.
  5. Dog stew.

C.  The LBG receives a friend request on Facebook from someone she doesn’t know.  Upon further investigation, it turns out that the person is her ex-boyfriend’s new girlfriend.  What the LBG does:  pretends not to notice the request.  What does the LBG actually want to do?

  1. Figure out if there’s a way to reject a friend request with extreme prejudice.
  2. Accept the request and obsessively check new girlfriend’s updates, friend list, pictures, etc. while eating Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream and crying to herself.
  3. Accept the request and Facebook-stalk ex-boyfriend through new girlfriend’s page, perhaps using the information to “just happen” to bump into him at that concert he posted about planning on going to, while “just happening” to look fabulous.
  4. Accept the request and get all her friends to post to her Facebook page about how fantastic her life is now that she’s finally rid of that crummy ex-boyfriend.
  5. Delete her Facebook account and join a convent.

D.   The LBG is attempting to take care of some personal business.  The person with whom she is dealing hands her a 22-page contract in eight point font, single-spaced, with half-inch margins and says, “Here, have a glance at this and then sign it.”  What the LBG does:  patiently explains that it’s not going to be possible for her to read it in its current format and requests a large-print version, taking secret satisfaction in the flummoxed expression on the man’s face.  What does the LBG actually want to do?

  1. Smile sweetly and say, “My vision isn’t very good.  Why don’t you read it to me?”
  2. Make him sit there while she reads every line and asks questions about every detail.
  3. Sign it as “Minnie Mouse.”
  4. Roll it up into a makeshift bat and hit the man over the head repeatedly with it, yelling “How do you like this, huh?  Getting a little headache?  Cause that’s how it makes me feel when I have to read crap like this!  Use normal font!!!”
  5. Exactly what she did!  Not that she’s at all passive-aggressive.

Here are the answers:  A, 1.  B, 5.  C, 3.  D, 4.  Ha!  You were totally thinking the answer to the last question was 5.  I am passive-aggressive, but I have dreams of being just plain aggressive.  So how well did you do?  Do you know your LBG?  Post your results in the comments and let me know!

This is how people end up jumping out of planes

Two friends

Two friends (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I was talking with some friends the other day.  We hadn’t spoken in a while, and we were comparing all the exciting developments in our lives.  Friend #1, a gorgeous blonde who compounds the offense by being both smart and nice, says “I just gave birth to my third child!”  This after posting a picture of herself on Facebook with said child while wearing a sheath dress and sporting a perfect tan.  Hate her.  No, I don’t.

Friend #2, a sexy dark-eyed brunette with lips people go through multiple painful surgeries to emulate, says “I just got promoted!  I’m now running the company I started working for when we graduated from school!”  I have her Christmas card in my apartment.  It has a picture of her with her huge, loving, crazy, amazing family all mugging cheerfully for the camera while seated around a truly fantastic-looking dinner table.  Hate her.  No, I don’t.  She sends me cookies.

Friend #3, another brunette with incredible light eyes that show up like stars against her dark skin, confides “It’s been four years since I was widowed.  I thought I would never love again, but I’ve found someone wonderful, and we’re getting married this fall!  It’s been a kind of miracle, the kids love him just as much as I do.  I’m so glad they’ll have a father-figure they really care about.”  Can’t hate her.  Really happy for her.

So then they all ask me what’s been going on in my life.  And there’s just nothing.  I’ve been scrounging around in my brain during the entire conversation, trying to come up with something, and I’ve got nothing.  What do I do?  Make something up?  Tell them about how I read the Hunger Games trilogy in one day?  I’m on the spot, and having a bad hair day to boot, and I blurt out “My blog got Freshly Pressed!”  Crickets.  Well-meaning, supportive crickets, but crickets nevertheless.  Finally, Friend #1 (and this is why I can’t hate her) says “That’s great that you’re still keeping a blog, honey!  I’ve always thought that’s so brave.”

And I thought:  That’s it, I’m going skydiving!

The Twelve Days of Staycation

A couple in a Hammock.

A couple in a Hammock. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I’m on vacation, which for me means staycation because I’m poor!  I did some internet searches on staycations, to figure out how to do it right, and it seems to me that most of the suggestions cost more than an actual vacation, so I’m just making it up.  Anyway, I thought you might like to know what a little blind girl can find to fill up her staycation time, so I wrote this little song for you, gentle readers:


On the first day of staycation, my true love gave to me

a ticket for the dry-cleaning!


On the second day of staycation, my true love gave to me

two lightbulbs to change

and a ticket for the dry-cleaning!


On the third day of staycation, my true love gave to me

three Hunger Games books

two lightbulbs to change

and a ticket for the dry-cleaning!


On the fourth day of staycation, my true love gave to me

four loads of laundry

three Hunger Games books

two lightbulbs to change

and a ticket for the dry-cleaning!


On the fifth day of staycation, my true love gave to me

five rooms to clean!

four loads of laundry

three Hunger Games books

two lightbulbs to change

and a ticket for the dry-cleaning.


On the sixth day of staycation, my true love gave to me

six missing buttons

five rooms to clean!

four loads of laundry

three Hunger Games books

two lightbulbs to change

and a ticket for the dry-cleaning!


On the seventh day of staycation, my true love gave to me

seven calls from work

six missing buttons

five rooms to clean!

four loads of laundry

three Hunger Games books

two lightbulbs to change

and a ticket for the dry-cleaning!


On the eighth day of staycation, my true love gave to me

eight new friends on Facebook

seven calls from work

six missing buttons

five rooms to clean!

four loads of laundry

three Hunger Games books

two lightbulbs to change

and a ticket for the dry-cleaning!


On the ninth day of staycation, my true love gave to me

nine hours for sleeping

eight new friends on Facebook

seven calls from work

six missing buttons

five rooms to clean!

four loads of laundry

three Hunger Games books

two lightbulbs to change

and a ticket for the dry-cleaning!


On the tenth day of staycation, my true love gave to me

ten days’ worth of errands

nine hours for sleeping

eight new friends on Facebook

seven calls from work

six missing buttons

five rooms to clean!

four loads of laundry

three Hunger Games books

two lightbulbs to change

and a ticket for the dry-cleaning!


On the eleventh day of staycation, my true love gave to me

eleven book club questions

ten days’ worth of errands

nine hours for sleeping

eight new friends on Facebook

seven calls from work

six missing buttons

five rooms to clean!

four loads of laundry

three Hunger Games books

two lightbulbs to change

and a ticket for the dry-cleaning!


On the twelfth day of staycation, my true love gave to me

twelve shows I’ve been meaning to watch

eleven book club questions

ten days’ worth of errands

nine hours for sleeping

eight new friends on Facebook

seven calls from work

six missing buttons

five rooms to clean!

four loads of laundry

three Hunger Games books

two lightbulbs to change

and a ticket for the dry-cleaning!

Things I will never do, so stop asking

English: Illustration of a shocked, or frighte...

Image via Wikipedia

There are many situations in which I get asked if I’ll do something that I would never in a million years do.  This happens slightly less often since I graduated from school, but it still comes up a little more frequently than I’m really comfortable with.  It only takes one drunk friend on Facebook, you know?  Plus, now that I’ve started a blog, I get random requests from people I don’t know but who think they know me because they read the blog.


So here’s a list of some of the more frequent and/or bizarre requests that I will never, ever do, so stop asking.  Please.

1.  The cinnamon challenge

This is where people attempt to swallow a tablespoon of cinnamon in under a minute without drinking anything and without vomiting or inhaling the powder.  Apparently, this totally sucks, although I really think I could have figured that out on my own when part of the challenge involves not vomiting.  Schools are banning kids from sneaking in cinnamon to do this during school hours, and at least one principal has been suspended for not cracking down on this growing menace.  Cinnamon as contraband?  Well, whatever, I guess.  But no, I’m not taking the cinnamon challenge.  Stop asking.  As a consolation, here’s Jenna Marbles, one of my favorite vloggers, taking the cinnamon challenge dressed as Drake.  Awesome.


2.  Eat my broccoli


Broccoli (Photo credit: Cookthinker)

I’m a grown woman, living on my own, and I don’t wanna eat my broccoli.  You can’t make me.  No you can’t.  No you can’t.  No you can’t.  No no no no no!  I don’t like the way it tastes, I don’t like the way it smells, and I don’t want to eat it.  You know what?  Broccoli’s going in the trash!  Oh, no, is that the sound of a green vegetable hitting the bottom of the trashcan?  Yes, I believe it is.  Broccoli’s gone.  Never gonna eat it.  Stop asking.  On with the ice cream!

3.  Make a sex tape

Never gonna happen.  Stop asking.

4.  Drink tequila.


tequila (Photo credit: doviende)

That stuff’s nasty.  And there are worms, and if there are worms anywhere near any beverage, I’m not drinking it.  I’m not exactly one for little frou-frou girly drinks, but tequila is seriously icky.  I think people keep drinking it because they don’t remember in the morning how nasty it is.  They just wonder why they have their underwear around their necks.  In my experience, there are much more pleasant ways to end up with underwear around your neck–although when tequila is involved, it’s probably just as well to black out.  So, no, I don’t want a shot of tequila.  Not the cheap stuff, not the expensive stuff, not even if there’s no worm.  Stop asking, and bring me a beer.


5.  Learn to cook

I’ve tried.  I have cookbooks and I’ve watched cooking shows and I’ve planned romantic home cooked meals for current honeys.  But, dude, I’m blind.  As a result of my attempts at cooking, I’ve got scars all up and down my arms, nearly chopped off a finger, and ended up in the emergency room more than once.  I also set off the smoke alarms about a third of the time, and whenever I try to chop onions I have to lie down for twenty minutes with a damp cloth over my eyes.  Take out rocks.  Delivery rocks even harder.  I can order chinese food like a mofo.  Little Kung Pao Girl, that’s me.  I tried to learn to cook, and I failed.  Stop asking, or my health insurance company is going to drop me.

So there it is.  Five things I Absolutely Will Not Do.  Unless Johnny Depp asks me, and even then, he’d have to be dressed as Captain Jack Sparrow.  So stop asking.  Unless you’re Johnny Depp dressed as Captain Jack Sparrow.  Are you?

Captain Jack Sparrow

Image via Wikipedia

Do first dates count as near-death experiences?

Lara Croft

Image via Wikipedia

Ok, since a decision has been made on my behalf that I should start dating again, which I really think I should have had a say in, but whatever, I want to lay down some ground rules.  Dating should be fun, it should be an adventure, it should not be a nerve-wracking, ego-wrecking form of torture akin to waterboarding.  Unless you’re into that.  Which I’m not.  So I’m setting up some ground rules to try to keep the process enjoyable:

1.  Getting Ready

For me, the date starts long before either you pick me up or we meet at whatever location.  I want to Get Ready.  Guys, I realize you don’t understand the process of Getting Ready, but it’s usually the best part of the date, so just let me have this one.  I like to spend a couple of hours in the bathroom cleansing, exfoliating, maybe putting on a nice calming mask, and then piling on about a pound of makeup and hair product so that I can look exactly like I usually do, but better.  I like to fake the I Eat Right And Take Care Of Myself look, because it’s never going to happen naturally.  I put on music, light candles, consult makeup books, ponder outfits…I’m a girl.  Let me do this and we’ll start out already having a great date.

2.  Too Much Information

I guess it’s good to have some warning, but I don’t really need to know about all your health issues on the first date.  Or the second.  I mean, if you’re dying of cancer, go ahead and tell me that.  That one’s important.  But if you’ve had a life-long battle with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, while that is certainly not any fun at all, I don’t necessarily need to hear about it at the restaurant, by candlelight, as we’ve just finished introducing ourselves.  That’s really more of a We’re In A Relationship Now kind of conversation, not a I Haven’t Yet Gotten Into Her Pants kind of conversation.  Think to yourself:  “If I were her and I had just told me this, would I be more or less likely to sleep with me?”  If the answer is more likely, go for it.  If it’s less, hold off until you cross the finish line.  Words to live by.

3.  Facebook Isn’t For First Dates

Please, please don’t friend request me right before or after our first date.  I want to be able to post about how I’m getting ready (see #1 above) or about how the date went and about how I rate you as a potential boyfriend.  I don’t want you to see that yet.  That’s the girl equivalent of peeing with the bathroom door open–which is another thing I don’t understand, but I’ll save that for a different post.  Also, things might not work out.  If you’re a jerk to me, I want to be able to post on Facebook about how awful you are and how glad I am we’re not together.  If you’re not a jerk to me and it still doesn’t work out, I don’t want to stare at your picture when it randomly pops up on my screen and start sobbing because you’ve ripped my little blind heart to pieces.  Then there’s the awkward phase where I know things aren’t working out but you don’t yet, or vice versa, and that just makes for a crap ton of awkward.  Just wait until we both know we’re on to something.

Ah, dating.  When else can a girl dress like a hooker and demand to be treated like a lady?  This should be fun!  It should be an action movie, a thriller, with chase sequences and fight scenes and maybe some explosions.  I’ve noticed there aren’t many of these things in most of the romantic comedies I’ve watched, but then, I’ve always taken a slightly different approach to romance.  Put your affairs in order, slip on a bullet-proof vest, and let’s go on a date!

When world leaders fall out

Does this sound familiar to anyone else?  As has been widely reported, President Obama and President Sarkozy of France had the following exchange regarding Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu without realizing they were still audible to reporters:

President Sarkozy:  I cannot bear Netanyahu, he’s a liar

President Obama:  You’re fed up with him, but I have to deal with him even more often than you!

I can just imagine the rest of the conversation, tactfully omitted by the french translators:

President Sarkozy:  Oh, I know!  You guys were, like, so tight, and then he totally went behind your back to UNESCO for Palestine.

President Obama:  Yeah, and I happen to know that Netanyahu had de-friended Palestine on Facebook and was all, no way, Obama, you and me are BFFs.  And now this?

President Sarkozy:  I know, right?  Cause he knows that you and me are full-on besties and always will be.  I bet he even texts Ahmadinejad and just doesn’t want you to know.

President Obama:  He’s all about being ‘the Peacemaker’, dude, he’s even posting status updates like “The Peacemaker does it again!” and “The Peacemaker at Euro-Disney.”  I mean, seriously?  Ain’t no peacemaker I know wears mouse ears.

President Sarkozy:  Whatever!  Everyone knows you’re the Peacemaker.  You can whip out the Nobel sh*t on his *ss.

President Obama:  You know, right?  I already got a peace prize, f*cker!  How do you like that, Benny?

I don’t know why they turned so foul at the end of it.  Maybe the teacher caught them passing notes.  I don’t know.  Am I the only one who thought they sounded like high school students?